We're glad you're interested in becoming a Small Group leader! Read the small group leader expectations and fill out the application below.

Small Groups are an important part of what we do as a church. We believe that life change occurs as we are growing in a relationship with Christ and this happens best when we are prioritizing intentional relationships with others who are seeking this same goal. Small Groups provide people with the opportunity to connect with others, grow in their relationship with Christ, and experience life together. Our Small Group leaders create these environments and help people grow in their faith.

Group leaders have the privilege of creating environments in which seeds of faith are planted and watered in the lives of those they lead, while trusting God with the growth.

Since our Small Group leaders play such an important role, we take great care when enlisting them. Please read through the information below to better understand the role of a leader, qualifications, and expectations. If, after consideration, you are interested in pursuing Community Group leadership, please complete the Group Leader Application. Once we receive your application, we will contact you for an interview. Should you have questions regarding any of the following information, please contact us.

The Role of a Small Group Leader
Small Group leaders are responsible for providing their groups with vision, direction, and support. Leaders are successful when they are personally growing in their faith, are connected with other Christians, and lead their groups in such a way as to encourage the group members' growth as well. All of our small group leaders are supported by a staff member at the church.

• Have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ (preferably for two years or more)
• Recognize the Bible as the authority for their lives
• Have Small Group experience (you've regularly attended at least one small group)
• Have the time, emotional capacity, and moral discernment to lead a group

• Lead the group by facilitating the group meeting, monitoring its health and duration, and promoting participation among group members
• Commit to engage in leadership development opportunities provided by the church
• Identify and develop a qualified apprentice and embrace apprentice leader development as a measure of success
• Attend one small group leader training each year.
• For Married Community Groups, both husband and wife actively participate in all group leadership activities